A review by liberrydude
Out Of Range by C.J. Box


Joe goes alone to Jackson Hole to temporarily take over from a warden who has died, supposedly from a suicide. Jackson Hole is the Beverly Hills of Wyoming and he immediately spars with a wealthy and connected developer, an old boy outfitter, and the number two guy in his agency, plus there's some heavy duty flirting going down between Joe and the developer's trophy wife. Back on the homefront Joe's wife is flirting with Nate, his oldest daughter is in rebellion mode, and his house is receiving harassing phone calls. Lots going on here and it's all about money. Joe's the white knight and you wonder if he's going to stray. Read this in one day. A great ending too as Joe returns home to his family wondering if he has a job. The title for this novel refers to Joe's inability to communicate with his wife while he's away. It's always something: bad connection, low batteries, no signal, or phone burned up-literally.