A review by danchibnall
The Entitled: A Tale of Modern Baseball by Frank Deford


This was not a good book. The characters had no substance and it seemed as if everyone was a good guy throughout. It seemed like Deford was afraid to have any character be evil in any way. Even after the main character was accused of rape, all we hear about him is how great a guy he is. Even their names were strange, which is a odd thing to pick on, but the names just seemed so ridiculously made-up.

The book was not really about baseball, either. Deford couldn't make up his mind about what the book was about. Is it about contemporary baseball? Or is it about this weird rape case thing with baseball in the background? It seemed more like a celebration of the phrase "boys will be boys." The dust jacket claimed it was better than "The Natural", "Field of Dreams", and other great baseball books. This book was not even close. The language was pretty bad too, with the word c*** being used to describe a woman.

Deford is great on NPR and his work with Sports Illustrated is also of a high-caliber, but this was just a bad book.