A review by krys_and_books
The Dreaming Vol. 1: Pathways and Emanations by Bilquis Evely, Neil Gaiman, Simon Spurrier


Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher I was able to read this book in exchange for an honest review.
I enjoyed jumping back into the Sandman universe, it’s been a long while since I’ve read Sandman so I’d forgotten how utterly bizarre and magical the world of the dreaming and the characters there in are. If was fun seeing some old faces and the introduction of Dora I think was a great addition to the world. Her mystery was probably the best part of the book.

The Dreaming Vol. 1 has you seeing the world falling apart, Lord Daniel has fled and it is having repercussions on the world. Merv makes questionable choices in light of the knowledge he gains, Lucien is having a rough time of it, Matthew the all knowing raven has some information to share, and Dora has decided she doesn’t care about what anyone thinks of her. A bit like a honey badger.

A lot happens and is being set up for future storylines. There is another, god?!?, awakening in place of Daniels absence and another runs amok forcing control and order on the inhabitants that doesn’t fit the world at all. Judge Gallows was a bit over the top and not my favorite part of the book but I’m curious to see where this is going to all go.