A review by sarah42783
Drowning In The Dark by Pippa DaCosta


Woot Woot Woot We Love Muse On and On We Go I Got Them Hooked I Got Them Hooked Muahahaha MacHaloistic Buddy Reread (WWWWLMOaOWGIGTHIGTHMMBR™) ☠

➽ And the moral of this Oh Please Pippa Don't Kill Me Dead Again Reread (OPPDKMDAR™) is: Pippa You Killed me Dead Again you are Slightly Evil,you Evil Woman you How I Love to Suffer at Your Hands it's Painfully Delicious and Deliciously Painful (PYKmDAyASEyEWYHILtSaYHiPDaDP™).
➽ And the other moral of this Oh Please Pippa Don't Kill Me Dead Again Reread (OPPDKMDAR™) is: I want to be the Mother of Destruction when I grow up.
➽ And the other, other moral of this Oh Please Pippa Don't Kill Me Dead Again Reread (OPPDKMDAR™) is: Prince of Greed + Prince of Wrath = yum yum yum = poof! Gone! Harem!

Oh, and by the way:

Prequel: Wings of Hope ★★★★★
Book 1: Beyond the Veil ★★★★★
Book 2: Devil May Care ★★★★★
Book 3: Darkest before Dawn ★★★★★
Book 5: Ties that Bind ★★★★★
Short story & bonus scenes: One For Sorrow ★★★★★

Original review (February 2015):

There comes a time when a book/series becomes so incredibly amazing that you find yourself with nothing to say. Welcome to The Veil. You've never read anything like this before.
Yes, I wanted this. I was destruction. It was my purpose, my right. I’d lay waste to all in my wake.
This is no series for the faint of heart. Is it fair to say I was nervous before I started reading Drowning in the Dark? No, it's not. I wasn't nervous. I was scared. Forget scared. I was terrified. That's Pippa DaCosta for you. She has absolutely no mercy on either her characters or her readers. We are all but pawns in the world she has created. What you think will happen never does. What you pray won't happen does. What you never thought, not even in your wildest dreams, would happen does as well. And then some.

This series should come with a warning. While reading it you might find yourself (check all that apply):
☛ Generally manhandled
Knocked out cold
Slapped around
☛ Emotionally drained
Torn apart
☛ Sucker punched
☛ In need of a few drinks

Anyone in your immediate vicinity know CPR? Good. Their skills might prove helpful, should you decide to read this series.

What can I tell you about the story itself? Honestly, very little. Because nothing I might say could do this incredible book justice. Drowning in the Dark is about trust, destruction, sacrifice, power, humanity, redemption, internal struggles, destiny, love, death. And hope. There is no black and white here, no good and bad. There is evil. There are lesser evils. And there are always two sides to a coin (or three, or four). Everything is what it seems and yet nothing is what it seems.
Where madness had clawed at my mind, only clarity remained. A soft, hopeful smile crawled across my lips. The Mother of Destruction was ready to take on the netherworld.
DaCosta is an amazing story teller. She weaves a beautifully dark tale and makes you feel. Just that. Feel. She throws things at you, takes them back, mixes & shakes them up, turns them upside down and when she's done she just slams it all back in your face.

The final instalment in this series will be released this coming spring. I am not prepared. I don’t think anyone is. I do know one thing: Pippa DaCosta cannot be trusted. What has been done can be undone.

Reading The Veil is an experience like no other. What are you waiting for?

ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.