A review by mom2three
Bred by Shane Starrett


After finishing 'Bareback' in the Black Lights Roulette Rematch, I couldn't wait to get my hands on this one. Bareback left me in tears, literally, and I needed Jess and Ben to get their HEA. This story was everything I could have expected and more. The story doesn't rehash the events in BL RR, so I recommend reading that anthology first. This picks up months after the night Jess and Ben met. It was a seamless continuation of the same story, making Bareback a long prologue.

I forgot how strong and fierce Jess was, and when I was reminded it made me giggle with happiness. I love that the only place she's not all Domme is in the bedroom. No one is going to tell her how things should go without getting a very persuasive, and loud, argument. She works hard at always being right. I love the strength Ben has both physically and emotionally. He is strong enough to handle Jess at her most dominant and when she grants him her submission. Their story isn't smooth, and their arguing and fighting for their place is what makes me love them so much. Enough about the story or I'm going to start giving spoilers, and I don't want to do that.

My favorite thing about Mr. Starrett's writing is the emphasis on emotional connections and the depth of his characters. I love that his characters are complex and don't usually fit into the norm when it comes to what is expected. His characters have their own story, with their own HEA, and he doesn't rey to fit them into a mold. The story is intense, the love scenes are steamy and sensuous, the love is passionate and believable. Everything is perfection that makes me wish the book would never end. I could easily slip back into the world of Jess and Ben forever. I really hope to get glimpses of them in future books.