A review by meaganmart
Man Made Monsters by Andrea L. Rogers


"Man Made Monsters" is an incredible horror anthology. The sense of creeping dread that Andrea Rogers manages to imbue story after story in sometimes as few as ten pages are truly astounding. I could not read through the stories quickly enough as I was consumed by the stories spun within, determined to see what new monster, what new tragedy, what horrible scenario would be lurking behind the next short story.

I loved the way Rogers stretched the stories through generations of the same family. It gave the story so much weight as the reader was able to see how things changed (or how they didn't) for the indigenous people of the United States through each progressive story. I relished the chance to learn about Cherokee folklore, to begin discovering their traditions and history, and to see how that history is being reclaimed by successive generations, refusing to die quietly in the night. A must-have for any library collection that has readers who enjoy horror or readers who are eager for narrators whose culture and lived experiences can match their own. I know our own Cherokee kids will be thrilled to have a copy on our shelves soon.

Special thanks to NetGalley and to Levine Querido for providing an Advanced Reader's Copy of "Man Made Monsters" in return for an unbiased review!