A review by snarkymotherreader
Pieces and Parts by Annmarie Boyle


Nick is a single dad with a unique problem: his son, Henry, wants to go on tour with him and his a capella group, something he's never done before. While Nick knows his band mates would be happy to help, he needs someone to tutor and help with Henry for the three week tour.

Ivy is a perpetual student and teacher. She's currently in the ABD - All But Dissertation - stage of getting her PhD. Problem is, she's hit a wall with her writing. Her friend Julie presents a possible solution - go on tour, help out Henry, and hope the new scenery helps with her mental block.

Pieces and Parts was a pretty spot-on portrayal of what it's like to be a parent thrust into the world of dating. You're constantly wondering if you're setting your kid up for disappointment while also desperately wanting to be seen as a person not just a parent.

Ivy and Nick ease into flirtation on the tour. Neither of them tries to jump into anything, and you're treated with the sizzling chemistry they both try to ignore. They're both also really good with Henry, and they discuss boundaries and ensure he isn't caught in the crossfire if the whole thing blows up.

It was refreshing to read about a man in a dry spell. Is that weird? That's probably weird, but it's true. He and his ex-wife had been separated for a while, and instead of sowing his wild oats, he focused on Henry and the band. It was so sweet!

Pieces and Parts is a quick, endearing, fast-paced romance. If you like your heros brawny and not afraid of their emotion, this book's for you!

Thank you, NetGalley and AnnMarie Boyle, for the opportunity to read an advanced copy! All thoughts and opinions are my own.