A review by skeskali
Blood Colony by Tananarive Due


This book suffers because of the amount of time that passed between the last volume in the Life Brother's saga (2001's "The Living Blood") and the publication of this volume. 7 years is a long time to try to carry the threads of a story forward, and Due has aged the central character at least 10 years. A great deal of Fana's development is glossed over and treated as little more than a convenient plot device. I also found the speed with I discovered Fana's true adversary disappointing. Once I solved that mystery, I lost interest in the novel. I knew I would finish it, but I wasn't excited about it any more.

Due is a good novelist; her "Joplin's Ghost" is one of the most imaginative books I've read in recent memory, but Blood Colony falls flat. I hope it doesn't take another 7 years for the next volume, and I hope the next novel rekindles the interest I've had and the relationships I've built with these characters across three novels.