A review by theseventhl
The Wounded Sky by Diane Duane


I loved this book and everything in it - the world-building, the science, the wibbley-wobbley timey-wimey aspects (I've got Doctor Who in your Star Trek - and Diane Duane is a Whovian!), the Duane-created OCs, and Kirk. Kirk being Kirk! Older, wiser Kirk who is still the same Kirk everyone loves! There's tentacles and body swapping and Starfleet folks who don't conform to a gender binary because the galaxy's too big for that mess and Sassy!Bones and a whole lot of eyebrow quirking from Spock and everyone on the Enterprise loves each other the end ♥

Also, this gets five stars because page 190 of the paperback, the line "the problem with the tribbles", and the immense self-control Diane Duane must have had not to write 'trouble' instead of 'problem'. Really want to pass this on to my other Trekkie friends so they too can love it like I do.