A review by snoopydoo77
Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo


3.5 ★

The third and final book in this trilogy. So with that we know I can’t say all too much or it would be spoiled. One thing I can say, is that I LOVED the Grishavverse , from this series and the Six of Crows that I read previously and I totally get the hype. 

That being said…… overall I enjoyed this book.

Plot wise a lot more happened this book than the last and some of it just sort of happened fast, way too fast in some parts. Some things we worked up to for three books and boom and a bang within a half a chapter it happens and before you know it, it’s over. Resolved!  So some pacing and development could have been different.

 We do get a couple plot surprises and others I saw somewhat coming.

The Darkling… for me it changed every book… I loved him, than ughhhhhh and then I could have cared less about him.

Mal I never liked and that didn’t change this book, the same goes for Alina.

Really, I cared most about was Nikolai, Genya, and Baghra but also Zoya this book. So really everyone else but the three main people.

The ending was okay, that’s it. Not great or bad, just okay.   And really the only sensible ending it could have had….

Overall I loved the Grisha world and the story for the most part. I also loved everyone but Alina, Mal and the Darkling.

I’m looking forward to see some of my favorite people in The King of Scars that I now finally can read.

3.5 ★ for the last book but 4★ for the trilogy as a whole.