A review by melodierhae
Freakboy by Kristin Elizabeth Clark


This story isn’t perfect, but the reality is that being on the LGBTQIA+ spectrum ISNT perfect. It isn’t neat. It changes relationship.

This story hurt my heart. Clark writes three lovely humans who are struggling, scared, reactions, friendly and loving. You want happiness for all three. What you get is honestly the second-best thing that could happen to some of them (and the best for Angel! My grinch heart grew three sizes!)

Vanessa’s response is real. She considers how she feels about women and realizes that to allow Brendan to be Brendan will mean a sexual identity that she doesn’t relate to. I think her careful consideration was necessary and promising. Hell, if the story were to continue and Brendan isn’t completely MTF but on a spectrum, it’s highly possible she would consider resuming a romantic relationship. We don’t know that, sure. But it seemed to me like Vanessa valued any sort of possible relationship with Brendan, and ultimately that kind of support is invaluable.

I won’t speak for others- but for my genderqueer loved ones, this is a fairly accurate story written from a cis perspective. I hope it helps break open the barriers for MORE queer fiction and paved safe roads for more diverse authors.