A review by lizwisniewski
Collected Works by Lydia Sandgren


“Poised at the intersection of life and art, reality and imagination, this novel blends the thrill of mystery with the curiosity and depth of philosophical inquiry. “ The New Yorker

This first line of the New Yorker review for Collected Works, was all the inducement I needed to pick up this book. The first page of the novel, where the protagonist Martin is laying among the debris of his intellectual life, had me hooked. The book reminded me of Micheal Malone’s work, a bit of a soap opera, with humor, philosophical insights and characters who I wanted to spend time with.

It is long. At times I thought about skipping ahead 50 or so pages, but every time I tried, I got caught up in how the characters were developing and I just had to read the whole darn thing.

This is a thoughtful and insightful novel that portrays socially relevant issues through a compelling narrative. I can’t wait for her next book!