A review by ricefun
Adventures in Prayer by Catherine Marshall


Glad to begin my year of reading about and practicing prayer with this book by Catherine Marshall, the author of my favorite novel "Christy." While I connected with Marshall's deep desire for a strong prayer life, and took away some valuable and challenging ideas about prayer and my relationship with the divine from reading this book, overall I was not impressed. The ideas she put forth about the power of prayer were so deeply rooted in class and her own social context that I had a difficult time relating. Her references to God in the masculine dominated the tone of the book, with a favorite touch phrase likening God's promises to the promises of a 'gentleman' of the highest stature - reinforcing a deeply rooted classism that reveres God as a dominant male landowner who is to be trusted because of gender and rank. I had a difficult time reading past this to the genuine faith that under girds her writing.