A review by labunnywtf
Short Stories from Hogwarts of Power, Politics and Pesky Poltergeists by J.K. Rowling


I was struggling with getting into Six of Crows, so while trying to fall asleep one night, I decided to get wrapped up in a world I totally understand for a little light reading.

Congratulations, JK Rowling. You gave me my first Harry Potter nightmare.

These stories are so fantastic. I've never sat down in front of Pottermore and read all of the extra stories she's written for the site, so to have them bound in a(n e-)book format is fantastic. These stories are so fascinating, especially for anyone who really really got into the books themselves.

My objection is to that gorram Azkaban story, which led me to a truly horrific nightmare involving a dark fortress and thousands of dementors.

Seriously. Not okay.

The chapter on Umbridge was pretty great, though.