A review by beastreader
Once Upon a Wine by Beth Kendrick


I read Put a Ring on It and enjoyed the book a lot. Now after reading this book I am a true fan of Beth Kendrick. I totally fell in love with Cammie aka COB, Kat, and Ginger. Each women brought something different to the story with their personalities. They sure kept things entertaining. What I really loved the most about this book was the comedy. It was well done and actually funny. I was laughing the whole time. For example where else would you read the words "Is that the John Deere version of jeggings?" Just remembering this sentence now gives me a vivid image that goes to the melody of Kenny Chesney's song, She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy.

Of course I would be remiss if I did not give props to Ian and Jacques (French Bulldog). Ian turned out to be a great love interest for Cammie. Jacques was there to help add more fun to the story. Once Upon a Wine is a wonderful name for a wine. It was as if I was there with these ladies every step of the way from growing the grapes to savoring the wine with Cammie's descriptive way of describing the flavors of the wine. I can't wait to read the next book by this author.