A review by alidottie
Travels with Charley: In Search of America by John Steinbeck


This was the third time I read this book. I think it is an excellent trip through history--life in the US in 1960. So much of what he saw on that one trip was significant to what our country has become in the years since.

Yes, I went back for a fourth helping! This time I played the audio in my car as I drove around for a couple of weeks. It was fun to hear his assessment of Texas now that I have lived here for almost 8 (wow!)years. He was right on the money. Little has changed in many respects in the past 50 yrs in what Texans are like! That was actually kind of fun to hear.

The last section on civil rights in the South actually moved me to tears. I hope if I visited the areas he went to then that I would find much change!