A review by carinascatsandchapters
How to End a Love Story by Yulin Kuang


I feel like this book had SO much potential but that the execution just wasn’t all there.

I loved the beginning, I thought the retreat in the woods was so fun, and was very curious to how Helen and Grants past would continue to effect their relationship. Once they actually got together everything became less fun and seemed to lose structure in the plot. I also was not a fan of their hookups…. It took them SO LONG to kiss. Like…. Yall have done some things but NOT KISSED?

I wish we got more of the night Michelle died earlier in the book. I loved getting Grants recollection of that night, but it happened far too late. It also seemed like Helen magically forgave him for it. I wish there was a little more tension here, and more dramatic moments that center around this trauma. It’s such an interesting idea and I wish it was developed a bit better.

I think one of my biggest pet peeves of this is that I HAVE NO CLUE what these characters look like. Is Grant Irish? Cause his mom lives on a sheep farm in Ireland so does he have freckles and ginger hair? I also wish I simply knew more character traits about them as well to better connect.

Romance in the third person is never my preference, and this book is another example of why. I wish we got more of their internal dialogues, of how they felt and the potential turmoil id assume Helen was facing when her feelings for Grant developed.

Overall, it was a fun read. A fantastic and refreshing idea that I’ve truly never read before, likable main characters, and some super sweet side characters (I love Nicole and Saskia).