A review by mountie9
Who I Kissed by Janet Gurtler


will post review tomorrow or next day as i busy mom and book whore (work at bookstore)

The Good Stuff

A sweet and realistic story of grief, guilt, family, relationships and forgiveness
As a mom I found it a thought provoking and challenging read at times. I won't lie I spent much of the story silently weeping. Made me think could I forgive someone who might have inadvertently killed my child. Made me think about my serious consumption of peanut butter and how I will be so much more vigilant about cleaning up, brushing my teeth and washing my hands when I consume.
Again as a Mom my heart went out to Sam and her grief and wanted to just give her a great big hug (also as a Mom it makes you think about your own child in the situation)
Relevant to the world our kids live in with cyber-bullying and drinking and relationships. Author isn't naive about how kids deal - never sugar coats anything and isn't overly preachy so kids will relate
No archetypical characters - these people will remind you of someone you know - again YA readers will relate to (And us old mom's will appreciate that the adult characters aren't evil, totally ignore their kids or stupid - very refreshing thank you)
The scenes between Sam and Alex's family just broke my heart
well written and intriguing
Enjoyed the scenes between Aunt Allie and Sam's Dad
Great for a class discussion or teen book club (Not to mention one for mom's)
nice touches of humour at the right spots
Added this to my Staff Picks at work I loved it so much

The Not So Good Stuff

Don't read in public unless you enjoy people staring at you while you sniff and wipe the tears from your eyes
Would have liked to seen some repercussions or mentions of punishment for those who were exhibiting bully behaviour online (Sorry its a mom thing)
Cover doesn't do the brilliant story justice

Favorite Quotes/Passages

"Hold out your hand," he says in a deep, rich voice that sounds like he gargles daily with sexy juice."

"Of course not," Aunt Allie says. "That would require actual human compassion."

Both of them stare off into space. "At least we don't have to worry about me being spoiled by my grandparents," I say.

Aunt Allie shakes her head and turns to me and smiles. "That we don't."

"She's working on a full house cleanse to rid us of negative energy. Dad's been holding his tongue about it, mainly because I think he appreciates the free cleaning."

"It's not fair." I whisper. "He had so much to live for."

"He was just a kid," my dad says softly. "It was a mistake. God knows we all make them."

Who Should/Shouldn't Read

Probably not for someone who only enjoys fast paced dystopian, paranormal reads (Nothing wrong with that though)
Other than that I would say this can be enjoyed by anyone of any age (probably would appeal more to girls than boys - yes I know that is sexist - but probably true)
Excellent for someone who is dealing with grief - they will relate to Sam and her friends and families honest & realistic portrayal of guilt and grief
A must have for every public and school library
FYI - parents & educators - there is a sex scene but it is tasteful, realistic and honest - please kids are going to have sex, help them make sure they are protected - don't be naive and think that they are not going to do it (sorry sometimes I go all preachy and high horsey)

5 Dewey's

I purchased this at Janet's launch at Chapters Shawnessy where I work - she was lovely and the book cookies were a nummy breakfast the next morning