A review by kitkat175
Did I Ever Tell You? by Genevieve Kingston


Thank you to Simon and Schuster for sending me a Advanced readers copy of this book. Also can we talk about how gorgeous this cover is the black and gray with the yellow I quite like it.

Everyone grab your tissues box, grab the whole box, your going to need them. This story talks about loss, love and how a child deals with the grief that comes with losing someone special to you.

Genevieve's mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer when Gwen was just three years old. defining the odd she lived for another 8 years, during which she filled a chest with gifts and letters to Gwen and her brother, Jamie, for every single major milestone and birthday through age thirty.

This book just wow oh my goodness. I can't imagine losing a mother/ my own mother that young and trying to figure out all the grief and the different emotions that come with losing someone. I love how close her and her brother were, even after he moved somewhere far away. This story provides a raw storytelling of her life and what it was like during that time. I quite enjoyed the writing and how she told the story, I loved how she included pictures of what her mother gave her from inside the chest. The letters and the gifts in the chest shows much her mother knows her especially with the gifts that were in the chest. Is it to early to put this book in my top 5 favourites of 2024.

Also with her father that was a twist I did not expect, I don't know why but just something about him really bugged me, but I won't spoil it for you.

I am excited for you all to read this book when it comes out April 16th, 2024. I think you will like this book and everything that is in this story. The amount of stuff she shares in this story about her grief and everything she went through. I felt like she had so many people on her side or helping her with this grief. I wonder if she will write more books, I hope she does I loved this one