A review by secre
You've Got Dragons by Nick Maland, Kathryn Cave


Yes, I do apologise profusely, I've regressed to being a child again, which is why I'm reviewing a book aimed at 6 year olds! Or it could be because I needed a present for my younger foster brother...the first idea is more interesting, I'll stick with that! Either way, whichever one you chose to believe, this is a children's book that I was well impressed with.

Boring Stuff
Title: You've Got Dragons
Author: Kathryn Cave, Nick Maland
Publisher: Hodder Children's Books, 2002
Price: £4.99 supposedly, but £12.99 on Amazon
ISBN: 0-340-85158-9
The text is done by Kathryn Cave and the illustrations by Nick Maland
Age Range

Although the book is aimed at an age range of about 6 years old, it can be used for just about any age group, including adults (that was more to make myself feel better!). The younger the child, the less they will understand the meanings behind the book and the more they will believe that the dragons are real (I'll come to that in a bit), but that doesn't mean that they won't enjoy it as a book of fantasy. The older the child (or adult) the more they will understand the meanings behind the dragons, which means that it could also be used as an educational resource to discuss issues that children might have.

The text itself is fairly simple and I think that this is what makes the book so endearing. It starts with, 'Dragons come when you least expect them. You turn around...and they're THERE.' The book goes on to describe the butterflies in your stomach, the fact that you don't deserve to have dragons, how you can pretend that they don't really exist, how everybody (even adults) have dragons, how you can't seem to get away from them, how you make silly mistakes because of them, how you try to deal with them...all of this in simple, childlike language: 'When you've got dragons, you need lots of hugs.' It's a text which children can easily understand and get to grips with, without being overly patronising. The book isn't very long, and all of the text is in large letters, so it won't take too long for you to read and yet the language and text size is so that a slightly older child could read it with you.

I think most people will by now have twigged that the book is about fear rather than about real life dragons, however much a young child may think so. It's about the fact that all of us do have a dragon that worries us and keeps us up at night. The actual reason that I'd bought it is because my younger foster brother is a...difficult child. He's been through far more in his short life that any child should have to and this makes him very difficult to deal with on a lot occasions. I had the bright idea that it might help our foster parents to get him to discuss things with them that worry him, and quite miraculously, it worked...this is very rare for any of my bright ideas, usually they are spectacular failures. Whenever he's worried or upset about something he can now talk more easily about it because he now has a name for it; 'Mummy, my dragons are back again'. The dragons can stand for any kind of fear whether it be big or small, and although it may seem like they will never go, they will eventually, as the book states, you will wake up and they are gone, it just takes time. My foster brother found it very reassuring to find out that adults also have dragons, and they have all been 'frightfully good'. This meant that it wasn't his fault and never had been, because if all these adults also had dragons then it was ok for him to have them.
Educational Resource

I'd mentioned before that I felt this book would be useful for education, and the reason that I believe this is because it is a brilliant starting point for children to be able to talk about their worries and fears. This would obviously works best with primary school students, in which you have 'circle time', and this idea of dragons could be used for any topic that you wished to discuss in class, from bullying to drugs to work issues. Having seen the effect that this simple book has had on my foster brothers ability to discuss his fears and issues, I believe that it could quite easily be used by teachers and parents for the definite benefit of any child. It's reassuring to children, allows them to speak without being fear of being laughed at, as well as giving some tips on how to deal with your own dragons.

These are very nicely done illustrations by Nick Maland, who has a knack for the brightly coloured illustrations that appeal to children, while keeping the eye for detail that will appeal to older children and adults. He has also put the illustrations in different sizes, so some take the whole page while others only illustrate a single sentence, which means there are three of them per page. He also fits humour into the illustrations as well - for instance there is one picture which shows a dragon eating a boy's maths tutor, that made my foster brother giggle and ask about his own teacher! The illustrations perfectly, some of them are quite scary (my foster brother covered his eyes at some points), others are sweet or funny.

Problem Page
As far as the humour in the book goes, the problem page nearing the end of the book is one of the best parts. This is a very light hearted page in which you get 3 problems about dragons which are written into Ben and he then answers them, my favourite by far is from Dad:

'Dear Ben,
I have been trying to hide from my dragons for 53 years, 8 months and 4 days. Can you recommend a foolproof hiding place?'
Yours hopefully,
'Dear Dad,
Try under the stairs. It's more comfy than under the bed. (I always wondered what you were doing there.)
Your loving son,
P.S Say 'Hi' to your dragons when they find you. They will.'

Personally, I felt that this was absolutely brilliant!

My views on this must be clear from the review that I've given; this is an amazing book for adults and children alike which can aid discussion about fear and worries, as well as being reassuring and allowing children to realise that grown ups get scared and worried too. Grown ups have dragons, just like children. No matter how old or young, children and adults alike, this is a book that is a must have for every person's bookshelf.
Summary: Dragons are a part of everyday life