A review by a_reader_obsessed
Devil Take Me by Rhys Ford


4.5 Enthusiastic Hearts

Admittedly, I’m not a ready and willing reader of stories involving the devil because of the doom and gloom themes that are typically pervasive. However, since this is narrated by Greg Tremblay, I took a chance because sometimes I’m all about broadening my horizons right? Well, I came out the winner for this is probably the most consistent anthology I’ve ever read as it provides compelling stories about those trying to do the impossible for a second chance.

I started out a huge fan of four of these authors, and I am now officially a fan of the other two! Not one of these six gals drops the ball, each presenting their unique brand of creativity!

Again, I thought Greg Tremblay was fabulous to begin with, but he really showcases his talent for accents here, just further solidifying himself as one of the top narrators around!

Internal Affairs - Jordan L Hawk - 4 Hearts
SpoilerA sassy, quasi-rom/com look at the underworld and the crossroads demons who serve to capture souls.

Newbie demon Ralgath, makes the rookie mistake of giving a contract that’s too good to be true. He’s a lot blinded by lust and allows Chess to become a powerful paranormal slayer to fight evil. Such perks aren’t supposed to be given, and poor Ralgath’s relegated back to hell to serve all of eternity in the torturous department known as Administrative Intake. When the opportunity to redeem his reputation is offered, Ralgath must ask for help from the very person who made him stray.

Fun and funny, the attraction between Ralgath and Chess hasn’t dimmed. A fast paced adventure to solve a mystery and bonus points where they end up saving each other!

Collared - TA Moore - 4.5 Hearts
SpoilerMy first Moore and certainly not my last!

Gritty, brutal, this is a world where hell never rests at trying to corrupt, slowly and insidiously spreading its darkness.

Jack is a condemned priest who’s been serving the demon Math, for years. Understandably, he regrets his past decisions but can’t help being enamored by Math who basically holds him prisoner. When given the chance to get his soul back, it’s not a difficult decision to make - a decision he can’t say no to nor does he want to.

This was dark and violent and disturbing but not short on the eroticism as the moral compass is tested over and over again. Bittersweet, not quite a romance, this surprised me in a good way as a twisted reveal shows the potential of what could be unraveled should Moore choose to continue with this unconventional storyline.

The Counterfeit Viscount - Ginn Hale - 4.5 Hearts
SpoilerMy debut read from this author and I’m impressed!

Bridging historical and fantasy, this is a world where descendants of demons perpetrate the human world, always deemed less but always wanted and used for their extra abilities and magic. Here we meet Archibald, a human bastard who sells his soul to the charming Nimble, to enact revenge on an evil uncle. What slowly unravels is a plot that has far- reaching repercussions, not just for Archibald but for the underprivileged and many more innocents caught in the crosshairs.

Full of mystery and intrigue, this smartly shows class and species divide and the carefully laid out plans that can all go awry. Effectively complex, along with an equally swoony sweeping romance (with nice smexy) and an ending that brought a huge smile to my face.

11:59 - CS Poe - 4 Hearts
SpoilerBrilliant in execution, I’ve not read anything other than short stories from this author, but the lady sure can create quite the gripping tale, and this was no different.

On the cusp of death, Asuka agrees to sell his soul in exchange to battle a terrible foe and never to dream again. Reality is slowly being overtaken by an unrelenting force, killing those brave enough to sleep and succumb to their nightmares. For five years, Asuka’s been going through the motions of fighting an unwinnable war, slowly losing ground as the human world is being methodically destroyed.

When Asuka’s interest is sparked for the first time in a long time by an tenacious young man, he feels a tug that might compel him to care once more. Thus, when the devil asks for his help in return for a chance to desire and want again, Asuka has no choice but to take up the dangerous challenge.

Full of action with vivid imagery and an interesting take on time and realms, this makes a very ingenious, satisfying full circle.

Wonderland City - Rhys Ford - 4 Hearts
SpoilerAn extended look at the wonderful world of Wonderland, where Alice is long gone and the fate of the White Rabbit, Mad Hatter, and the Queen of Hearts takes a different turn towards something so much worse.

Here, Wonderland houses those who trade their souls for a chance at a different life, and Xander has carved out a very very hard fought existence. Though he would love to be with the prince Jean Michel, too many extenuating circumstances (not to mention his own stubborn independent self) keep them apart.

However, danger threatens Wonderland's very existence when a devil makes a terrible mistake, and Xander must ask for Jean Michel’s aid to prevent the unthinkable. If he wins, he just might lose the very thing he wants the most.

This was classic Ford, who never fails for me when she writes fantasy with a grumpy antihero to root for. Action filled, high stake consequences but always with a rewarding win!

Dark Favors - Jordan Castillo Price - 4 Hearts
SpoilerNo doubt JCP is original, as this envisioned world shows the many many people who have gotten ahead by owing and asking for favors - a form of currency to get what they want in exchange for their eternal soul.

After years of not playing the game, Johnny accepts the rare favor from the devil himself, longing to be blissfully ignorant again. What he doesn’t expect is the surprising high stakes task he’s agreed to do. When Johnny hesitates, it’s just the opening for someone to throw a wrench into his well laid plans… a very sexy wrench at that.

JCP does not fail on the eroticism here and definitely brings about an unusual conclusion to Johnny’s dilemma but one that is no less satisfying.

Thank you to the authors for the audio in exchange for a honest review