A review by allivenger
Fire Falling by Elise Kova


I liked this book better than I did the previous book and I did like the previous book. This book starts right up where we left off (I love when that happens) with Vhalla joining the army. Along for the ride are her two best friends who support her when she has obvious PTSD from the night of fire and wind (as it will be called for the remainder of the series).

I loved how the author was able to portray Vhalla's struggles with PTSD and death and grief. It resonated with me and didn't feel fake for the sake of the story. They were believable. The romance was super slow this book as well with both of the characters thinking the other isn't interested (communication you two! come on!) and when they finally got the chance to be together I was frustrated with them both. sorrynotsorry. I love Vhalla and our first prince so much. Their bond becomes stronger and new questioned arise during their time together that only adds to what is going on.

and THE ENDING. Holy jeeze the ending gutted me. Not sure how much our girl Vhalla can take but I am ready to find out. If you liked the first book then you will absolutely like this one. It just continues on and gets better as the book goes along. I can't wait to read Earth's End.