A review by brizreading
1989 The Berlin Wall: My Part In Its Downfall by Peter Millar


A bit of a fluff piece about the waning days of the Cold War in the 1980s. Has a bit of Ostalgie (nostalgia for East Germany), and lots of gonzo gonzo journalism, where the author is very much the protagonist. This is normally fine - except I didn't particularly like Peter Millar's good ol' boy Oxbridge nostalgia about a time when journalists were hard-drinking hacks, cynical and educated and macho blech. There is a moment when one journalist is described as seeking assistants in young "Oxbridge graduettes". Graduettes? Really?

The gonzo put a bit of a dent in my enjoyment of the book, but late Cold War stuff is super interesting. Esp. Berlin Wall stuff, my yen of the week/month. To his credit, Millar's description of the night the wall fell is fizzy with energy and awe and lots of fun.

Here's your legendary David Hasselhoff performance chaser.