A review by fati_reads_
Sad Girls by Lang Leav


Okay. First of all. I fucking hated the protagonist of the story. She made me cringe a bunch of times. Audrey is such an immature, self-involved, selfish girl! I mean, she went to the funeral of her friend whom happened to killed herself because of the rumor she (Audrey) told; all the whilst running off somewhere with aforementioned dead friend's boyfriend whom she just met at the fucking funeral. It's ridiculous. What's even more ridiculous is that they felt connected that it's such a cliché.

Don't even get me started with Colorado friggin Clark. How they met after parting ways the first time seriously made me angry. All I can think of was "Oh gee. I did not see that coming. At all." plus lots of sarcasm in between. The name itself infuriated me. I had a hard time reading 1/3 of this sorry excuse of a book, and when i was halfway through, I gave up. I couldn't continue anymore. I seriouly tried hard reading more but it's too exhausting reading Audrey's thoughts. I'm not even bothered by whatever the truth is behind all her lies.

I thought this would be a good read. I was wrong. Das sad.