A review by krish_
Everneath by Brodi Ashton


This book has everything I typically hate in young adult books. Like, the Big Ones - thin storyline, plot holes, dark and damaged boys, all the side caricatures, etc. But this book took me off guard about midway through because despite the fact that this girl's world is very clearly centered on a boy, face palm, Brodi Ashton's Everneath is a book with sincerity. That's what gripped my heart the rest of the way, through the exhilarating path to the whirlwind (pun intended) of a finale.

Nikki (also known as Nik and Becks) is back from a six-month absence from a century-long Feed in the Everneath with Cole, an Everliving. She pops up from the ground and whoosh, she's in high school. Say what? I was stunned. I knew she came back for Jack but couldn't she have just knocked on his door? Like, girl, you don't have to go through school to see him, ya know. Oh, but wait, because she explains that it was one of the deals her father made after her return. That and peeing in a cup. That for being a runaway, rehab or no rehab. Haha, okay. And he's a mayor. Haha, okay.

Anyway, I'm pointing that out because I'm still trying to accept the fact that I liked this book. I still can't quite believe it. I skimmed it. And yet I give it four stars.

Why did I like it? Because, because this book had so much heart. Nikki, really wanting to make things right this time. And Jack, just trying to tell her he still loves her. They both exert self-control that you just do. not. get. anymore. in. this. genre. And for that alone I commend them. (I promise you, if this was any one of the many other chicks I've read, she would be throwing her body herself down into the Everneath to be with the cold, cutting, no-hearted Cole). But there's more. There are some very touching, and yes, swooning, scenes between the two. Like they do stuff I would do/have done/do in real life. But ew, don't think dirty okay? This was completely cutesy-romancey love, okay, perverts.

There is some depth to this book...according to other readers. Something about how Nikki is like a recovering addict. Oh wow, yeah, totes man! Cole was totally her drug. Snap fingers, light bulb over head. I see it now. Ahem. In all seriousness, though, it's true. It's just subtle, so it's easy to miss. But nice one, Ashton.

So back to Nikki/Nik/Becks and Jack. :D . Whatever else this book has going for it, I read it (mostly) purely as a romance (you saw the 'mostly', right?). Because Becks and Jack are an absolute Aww!! JUsT LEt THEm bE TogETher Puhleeese! I mean yes, she may be a bit bland (but who isn't sometimes?) and he may be a bit too good to be true (no guy like him exists so why deprive ourselves in our own imaginations?)...but it totally worked for me.

I swooned, I ugly-cried, I air-punched, I may have at some point yelled out "you go girl" or "that's my boy" or "stop cock blocking him, Cole" or "this is eeeepiiic!!".

Judge me.

I dare you.

But before you do, I need to tell you that I didn't edit any of that. So like, don't judge my grammar or my overuse of commas or my addiction (oops, haha, inappropriate!) to italics I just like em okay. But my mentality, haha, yeah, I already know, don't worry.


That's triple kisses, not triple ex like porn oh my god stop me.