A review by thepagemistress
Prodigal by Rektok Ross


4/5 Stars!

This book follows Lexy just as she is about to enter her senior year. But things get turned upside down. Her parents are making them move from Atlanta to Texas. Lexy is furious because she just got on the newspaper staff as editor and now that will be ripped out from underneath her. But there is a reason why they're moving and no one was prepared. Lexy and her family make it to Texas. Lexy is the 'new kid' and target of bullying. Can she find friends in her last year? And what will life be like since she's not on the paper?

I personally didn't relate to all the religious aspects of it but that's just my personal belief. At some points it just felt like if I didn't believe in a 'god' than I wasn't meant to understand and comprehend the real meaning.

The characters were fun and relate-able. Lexy was real and raw and emotional to a degree that anyone can understand. The side characters and setting made me feel like I was right back in high school with the fear and excitement. The writing was impeccable.

I could not put this book down. Read it in less than 24 hours and would highly recommend this contemporary to anyone. Fast paced and light-hearted. Gives you hope to pursue your dreams.