A review by misthios_pat
Finding Forever by Jamey Moody


Ohhh, the feels. First chapter and I was already crying like a silly person I am. Every time they bring up Danielle I cry, I'm such a softy.

At first I wouldn't think they'd fit (the hypocrisy), but it was lovely to see them growing closer and discovering what each had to offer the other. And I loved that Jamey made characters that talk to each other, even if they're fighting their feeling, they communicate. Miscommunication is quite the fun drama to add, but isn't it even better when the MCs, together, deal with conflicts?

Now, don't we all love friends that finally get their shit together and start to think they're the wiser now, nicely telling how or with whom we should spend our time? /s

Honestly, I didn't love Frankie and Olivia here, they were so nice with Desi going from single to a married mum in 3s, but lord forbid mutual friends getting together. I loved Sofia's jabs in the end.

I love an age gap of any length on books, but in a more personal level if it's bigger than ~10 years I get the same worries Stella was discussing with Sofia at some point. Sure, bad stuff can happen at any time, but even if nothing bad happens and both die of old age, the bitterness of losing someone you'd like to grow old with is just that strong.

P.S.: Stella and Sofia should check their eyes, I don't think it's normal to wink this much, it may be dry eyes LMAO