A review by tasmanian_bibliophile
City of Lies by Lian Tanner


‘A Big Lie isn’t the least bit convincing when you’re in it.’

Life seems to be returning to normal, in the city of Jewel, after the upheaval some months earlier (as related in the ‘Museum of Thieves’). Goldie Roth is both a trained thief and a skilful liar, and she should also be one of the Keepers of the Museum of Dunt, together with her friend Toadspit. But while Goldie desperately wants to be a Keeper, her parents are ill after their time in the House of Repentance, and she does not want to leave them.

'In the last few months she had had more than a dozen messages from the museum, asking when she was going to take up her position as Fifth Keeper. Tonight she would reply. 'Never.'

But on the way the Museum, with Toadspit and his sister Bonnie, Goldie is forced to leave the city of Jewel. Bonnie is kidnapped. Toadspit and Goldie follow the kidnappers, as they travel to the city of Spoke by ship, and Toadspit is also captured along the way.

How will Bonnie save her friends? The kidnappers have some dangerous secrets and some powerful friends. Bonnie becomes caught up in Spoke’s Festival of Lies, and will need all of her skills and abilities in order to survive and to save Toadspit and Bonnie. In the meantime, the Fugleman has returned to Jewel: can he really be a reformed character?

I really enjoyed this second instalment of ‘The Keepers’ trilogy. Goldie meets some interesting people in Spoke (I especially liked Mouse), and each chapter includes wonderful character drawings that are the perfect accompaniment to the story. I’m looking forward to the final instalment, scheduled for publication in 2012.

While The Keepers trilogy is primarily aimed at 9 to 12 year olds, many older readers will enjoy it as well. I did.

Jennifer Cameron-Smith