A review by booksarebetter
Starter Villain by John Scalzi


After thinking about this book for months and seeing YouTubers Daniel Greens video, I realized that I hated reading this book. Now, I will give credit, that cover is outstanding. Easily the best cover for 2023! But the book itself was reading like a child attempting to mimic humor and while I enjoyed the talking cats, the rest of it fell flat, I couldn't stand Charlie, and the villains were actually? Rather pitiful.

I've had this book in mind since I read it a few months ago. It's an interesting premise and I wish I was a Scalzi fan, however, the characters were flat, one dimension boring villains. Even Charlie's uncle just tells him that he wasn't expecting anything of him. And I can see why.

I don't know that I'm going to pick up anything else by Scalzi. I know he's a beloved writer in the sci-fi genre, and I respect that. But this book was annoying, over the top, and absolutely pitifully lame in terms of villainy.

Apologies to the fans.

Rated: 1.5 ⭐ rounded up to two for the cover.