A review by laureltree13
More Than We Can Tell by Brigid Kemmerer


Geoff doesn’t let go of me. “It’s okay.”
And then I’m crumpling, falling against him.
He catches me. He holds on.
Because he’s not my father. He’s my dad.

Rating 4.5

More Than We Can Tell is told from two perspectives: Gamer Emma and Outcast Rev.
Individually, they’ve got a lot going on— Rev with his traumatic past making a return and Emma with the sudden slew of awful messages from a gamer she can’t seem to shake.
But talking about it doesn’t seem to be an option.
Understandably, Rev doesn’t want to ruin the comfortable world he's managed to piece together after being adopted for so many years. While, Emma, feels she can’t bring up the cyberbullying to her parents without letting them in on the game she’s created but has yet to perfect.

It’s this silent common ground that allows them to hit it off when they run into one another for the first time. That, and Emma’s adorable dog, Texas. (Dogs and babies fix everything, People!)

These 400 pages are a definite emotional rollercoaster.
It’s a pretty heavy book at times— the relationship between Rev and Emma taking a bit of back seat as opposed to other things— but, it was nice. I didn’t mind it at all.
In fact, the relationship between Rev and his adoptive family is one of my favorites in the entire book. [Chapters twenty-four and twenty-five are fantastic examples.]

Nothing that takes place seems overly fictionalized. There was no insta-love; it was all very realistic. Even, “The Event” that happens in the last few chapters— although, I didn’t feel like it was necessary. (You’ll know when you read it.) Or, in the very least, I would have expected far more of a reaction from the characters— apart from Emma and Rev, that is. Everything was just so calm and collected surrounding it. Whereas, I can only imagine what it would be like to be a family member or friend in that situation. I would be an absolute mess. During "The Event" and after... I'd like to go on, but that’s all I can really say without giving up major spoilers!

All in all, I really enjoyed it.

And, if you're interested in:
-A relatively quick read (for a 400 pg. book)
-Emotional ups and downs
-Bi-Racial families
-Adoption/Foster care storylines
-Family dynamics
-Great friendships
-First love
You're in for a treat!

WARNING. Triggers below:
-Physical, sexual and emotional abuse