A review by haletostilinski1
The Easy Way by May Archer


4.5 stars

I enjoyed this a lot. Cort and Cam had chemistry from the begining, not just sexual chemistry but romantic chemistry as well. I loved reading their conversations together just as much as I loved reading their sex scenes.

The plot could be considered nothing out of the ordinary, with Cam's parents having died in a plane crash and it having been intentional instead of accidental, but I liked how the author brought Cort into Cam's life, into the overall plot, to bring them together.

Because Cort's foster brother, Damon, was the pilot of the plane and was presumed dead, but also responsible for the crash, but Damon contacts Cort over several months and Cort figures out that he is indeed alive, and while Cort is determined to find out how and why his brother was framed - and using resources as an FBI agent to help - he figures that Cam or his brother Sebastian had their parents killed (and thus framing Damon) and so he's determined to prove it, and it brings him right to Cam.

But right away Cort is drawn in by Cam and they form an undeniable connection. They were so hot and sweet and adorable together, I loved whenever they interacted.

And yeah, it might have been "too easy" (hence the title) for them, and they fell in love fairly quickly, but it also didn't feel as insta-lovey as it was. Being able to see them fall for each other and feel that connection helped.

Things happen fast between them, but they don't get too caught up in everything. They move in after 5 months together at the end, but they're still taking their time with their relationship.

There is some mild angst but it works out well.

I definitely recommend this. There are well written characters, a well written relationship, and an entertaining plot. Cam and Cort just made me so happy <3