A review by ameserole
Deep Blue by Jennifer Donnelly


This book did absolutely nothing for me.

SpoilerIt took me 2 weeks to read this book. That should definitely come as a damn shock to the people who know how much I read within a day, week, month. No book should take that long for me to read.

Deep Blue sounded like an amazing read and I was so happy it was on Kindle Unlimited. However, once you start reading this you-thought-it-would-be-super-amazing book you realize it is anything but amazing.


First, you're basically being repeatedly punched in the face with all of the info dumping. But then you realize wow I should probably take a breather and think about what has been said. No, don't do it - it's a trap! Then while you're reading more of it you're wondering what the hell some of this stuff is that is being said. You patiently wait for things to be described to you like it was in the beginning and it never comes. You don't get explanations on half of the stuff you wanted explained.

For example, Walrus Cheese. What the ever-loving fuck is that?! How is made?! Where does it come from?! ALL GOOD QUESTIONS. Nothing is explained about it and now I don't want to know anything about Walrus Cheese ever again. I never want to read about it, eat it, smell it, or anything ever again.

Other than that, some scenes just felt way too rushed. For example, the fighting scene. Also, I didn't really like the ending. Well, I didn't really like the whole book because like I said earlier it just didn't do anything for me. I was bored the whole time. I honestly motivated myself to keep reading it by reading other books or watching tv and just reading during commercial breaks. This was a tough read for me and I'm scared to read the rest of this series. I hope the next book is way better than this one.