A review by fictionaddictions_amanda
A Flaw in the Design by Nathan Oates


Thanks to Penguin Random House for an early copy in exchange for an honest review.

I liked the idea for this book and I liked the writer's writing, but this book was a disappointment for me.

I did not like the characters.

The POV character, Gil, is a middle-aged man with a wife and 2 daughters. The whole family is naive and not in touch with reality. It feels like the author was trying to make the reader like this family, or relate to this family, by bringing up news propaganda they believed in, but it made them just seem stupid.

The nephew of the PO character, Matthew, is supposed to seem like a pyscho, and I know some psychos can be very intelligent, but Matthew's intelligence makes the other characters look so stupid that he was actually the most likable character.

I am guessing that the author is trying to portray Matthew as a rich, privileged, know-it-all jerk, and Gil as a nice, regular family man that watches the news. However, this did not work out. Matthew is the only character that has any intelligence, and Gil just seemed bitter and jealous.

It is possible that the author was trying to have all morally-grey characters so you wouldn't know who to believe, but if that is the case, it didn't work either because it made the characters boring.