A review by zach_edenwild
The Fallen Star by Claudia Gray


Claudia Gray had the unenviable task of uniting so many elements and characters from across the first year of High Republic storytelling. And when I first started 'The Fallen Star,' I was a little worried it would feel too scattered. All it took was a couple chapters to put to rest any fears I had.

Going into the final "adult novel" of phase one, we knew that things were going to take a drastic turn for the worst, as abundantly advertised by all the marketing material; "WHO WILL SURVIVE?"

Claudia Gray does an amazing job infusing each perspective and chapter with dread and unease. And even with the expansive cast, the largest since 'Light of the Jedi' (if not larger), the book never feels unfocused. Characters are fully developed and explored, each getting some time to shine. It all works nearly perfectly. And as someone who has followed every single release in this High Republic Era, it was such a joy (even when things weren't joyous in the least bit) to see all these characters intersect. It just furthers this grand storytelling vision, and the interconnectedness of it all.

This is an easy five stars for me, and probably my second favorite High Republic book so far.

I continue to love everything coming out of this publishing initiative.