A review by sim_96
Reaper's Fire by Joanna Wylde


I’m being generous with this two because there are some parts that were in okay. The other 99% of the book? Not so much.
There was no romance, only a hot biker dude doing what he wants and because he is hot he gets away with it. There was too much of trying to please everyone. If you want to slut shame someone, do it! Don’t be all, ‘oh it’s not for me to judge’ we’ll know you are!
The characters were all horrible, whiny and all around annoying. Carrie was the only one telling people where to shove it, she took shit from no one and that is why she gets the two star review.
Now, Tinker wasn’t that bad. Until she got walked over by a guy because he was hot. Apparently you can developer feelings for someone just by having a two minute conversation every three weeks.
This book had to be my least favourite of all the series and makes me not want to buy any others that get released.