A review by apgeorgiou
Fever Fae by Meg Xuemei X



I couldn’t get past like 18% honestly so this is my review on what I did read. Okay.. so the main character, Evie, has just come home from college to watch her many siblings because her parents are missing. She doesn’t seem to care at all, and is very blasé about the whole thing. She’s rude to her siblings for no reason and the way she speaks to them is such a turn off, it made her really unlikeable. Evie also mentions having super hearing in the beginning of the book but doesn’t explain it at all and acts like that is perfectly normal for a human. On top of all that she’s apparently very spoiled and is very selfish. And the worst thing about this book, in my opinion, is the actual writing. The dialogue is awkward and unrealistic, and everyone conveniently has Evie up on a pedestal except for Safiya, her teenage sister who she slaps in the face for having feelings, and the two kings who show up after she, unrealistically, chases a nightling off with an umbrella and some air freshener. I don’t know if that was supposed to be funny but it ended up being cringe worthy to me.

Okay, so the dialogue between characters, once again, incredibly awkward and unrealistic. At one point her brother Emmett is defending her to Safiya, and it goes “Chill out, Saf,” Emmett said. “You crossed the line, and you aren’t Evie’s match. She can easily take you down. You think she drove away the monster and then faced off the two scary men without all those years of martial arts training?” This spot in the book made me cringe and I stopped reading here. the kids are all apparently more worried about berating Safiya or asking for martial arts training than they are about asking questions about the “monster”, the two weird men that popped up in their year or that Evie was three seconds away from ripping her clothes off and jumping 2 strangers who were mean to her? I’ve tried to read a few of the authors other books and they all seem to be written like this so I never end up finishing the books. It’s not my cup of tea, but I am disappointed because it was a good idea with not so good execution.