A review by jbsmunky
Moonblood by Anne Elisabeth Stengl


Get some business out of the way first of all. I received a free copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers for review and am not paid for this review. If you would like to review your own copies please contact www.bethanyhouse.com/bookreviewers.

Now on with the review... The first thing that struck me about this book was the title. I just bugs me and makes me think of something with a completely different meaning if you get my drift. I think there could have been some better alternatives. As I started reading the book, some of the character names struck me as a little childish... Rose Red, Prince Lionheart....

However, once I got over my annoyance at these little things, I found the story to be so enjoyable. I did not know there were a couple books prior to this one and reading those would help fill in some of the backstory but not a big deal. The characters were very real, dealing with emotions we all feel and could relate to in some way. I also didn't like seeing a unicorn turned into a bad creature for this story, but I guess we all can fall from grace, even something as innocent as a unicorn.

The book is full of Christian allegories with the Prince as a Christ-like figure and grace and forgiveness for all the faults of the characters. That's all fine and dandy to me, but I don't read to find symbolism or hidden meanings and had I not known prior to reading it, I probably never would have picked up on it. Takes too much effort for me to dissect a story. I read it and enjoy it in the moment. If something hits me later, great. If not, I don't feel I missed out on anything.

Overall it was far better than I expected when I first started reading it. I really enjoyed it and plan on someday reading the previous two books and whatever may come after. Fun, middle grade fantasy.

Hope you enjoy it too!