A review by redhairedashreads
Undead Sublet by Molly Harper


Series: Half-Moon Hollow #2.5
Rating: 3 stars - I liked it

This story was originally published in the anthology [b:The Undead In My Bed|13512929|The Undead In My Bed (Dark Ones #10.5; Half-Moon Hollow #2.5; Midnight Liaisons #1.5)|Katie MacAlister|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1336415326l/13512929._SY75_.jpg|19068011].

Tess is a workaholic and it has caused her to have an exhaustion filled breakdown in her five-star kitchen in Chicago. She takes a break to Half-Moon Hollow, but things quickly become stressful when she finds herself with an unexpected vampire housemate.

This was an enjoyable novella. Tess and Sam have a hate to love, forced proximity relationship that is filled with pranks and arguments. I found their pranks on each other hilarious and a bit diabolical. While it took me a little bit to warm up to Tess, I really enjoyed watching her find her passion in cooking again. Half-Moon Hollow gives her a chance to reassess her life and find her joy again, and start a new life.

Sam’s story was heartbreaking but it worked out for him in the end. His ex-wife was a real piece of work and I loved the confrontation Tess and Sam had with her at the fair. She totally deserved it and I was trying not to die of laughter at work during that scene. I really enjoyed how these two went from enemies to lovers. It made for an enjoyable and funny romance.

Overall, this was a great little novella for this series and I wonder if Tess and Sam will be appearing in future books.

You can also find my reviews at Red-Haired Ash Reads.