A review by the_fabric_of_words
The Seventh Element by Wendy Mass


Team Alpha comes back after getting the zero crystals on planet Tundra. But then Team Omega's ship, the Light Blade, explodes, and everyone fears Piper is killed in the blast and that the Aqua Gen element, Pollen Slither, is destroyed. Mission over. Earth will go totally black. Dash will die for nothing.

But then Piper survives and brings the Pollen Slither with her, so the Alpha Team now has the upper hand. The Omegas are forced to work with Team Alpha, and they learn the Cloud Leopard is so much more fun than the Light Blade was -- the tunnels, great food, screens for gaming, Chris is kind and encouraging, etc.

Colin is locked up in Chris' room, although not for long and not without making several attempts to escape and sabotage the teams' arrival at the new planet, Dargon, where they're supposed to work with Elves and Ogres to gather fresh dragon cinder. (Kinda cheesy, I know. I prefered the totally made-up alien animals, but suspend belief and just go with it...)

But Colin causes the Cloud Leopard to slip out of Gamma speed too soon, making it near-impossible for the kids to arrive at Dargon in time. Dash is days away from dying, as his supply of injections is running out and the kids have to use one to get them to Dargon in time.

I won't spoil the rest of the plot twists along the way, or how they end up finding a better solution to this world's problem than Chris did, aeons ago. Just know, it's a satisfying end to the series.


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