A review by rkking
The Robots of Gotham by Todd McAulty


I really hoped to enjoy this book more than I actually did. And it's unfortunate because, despite a sometimes meandering sequence of events, there was a really great example of worldbuilding going on here.
The robot society is a clever one, and I found myself wanting to learn more and more about the ways of sovereign intelligences and thought machines. The named robot characters in the book were great too. Pretty much all the supporting characters in the story were also well done.
The problem is the protagonist. Barry is not an enjoyable main character to follow. I cared very little to his well-being, and cared far more about the fates of other characters like Sergei, Black Winter, the AGRT, even the dog Croker. Not Barry. He was boring, borderline annoying, and about as exciting as toast. It really brought the experience down a few grades for me, unfortunately.
But if there was ever a book written more on the robot side of things, I'd be all over that!
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