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A review by webswebswebs
Roar: How to Match Your Food and Fitness to Your Unique Female Physiology for Optimum Performance, Great Health, and a Strong, Lean Body for Life by Stacy T. Sims, PhD


I really wanted to like this book and I’m sure there are bits of truth and science in it (hormone changes impact how challenge certain exercises can be), but there’s plenty that undermines any science that is true and accurate. There are recommendations (drink cherry juice 3 days before flying East to combat jet lag) that come with no reason why, what the purpose is, or what science supports that practice. There’s support for debunked science (exercise and eating recommendations based on somatotypes) and supplements (emergen-c and airborne to combat travel fatigue - no scientific explanation why). There are statements that have no scientific studies backing them in the appendix (women who take oral contraceptives have a 50% higher chance of developing lupus). All of this undermines the credibility of the book and the author. Someone else put it perfectly - just another diet book with a muscular exterior.