A review by gingerbookaddict
Brighter Than the Sun by Darynda Jones


So this one ends right around the end of the 3rd book or so. I wouldn't read it any time before that, but you don't have to wait until after the 8th book to read it.
I wouldn't say that I like Reyes any more or less after reading this. It gives an in depth glimpse of his time in the big house, you also get to see his friendship build with his best friend. Lots of stalking Charley. There was also a LOT of uncomfortable situations with children being abused etc. (Reyes and his sister) which did not make for a very enjoyable read. I guess it makes you empathize with his past, which he hates by the way.

If you love Reyes you will probably love this one.

___pre read___
Reading this one 'for science'.
This will either make me love Reyes or hate him even more.