A review by joanav
The Dancing Lady: The Ninth Day by Mimi Milan


I received this book in a giveaway and I would like to thank the author again for doing it.

Although in general I liked the book, it did have some issues for me. For example Josefina (Fina from now on) spends most of the book struggling with telling Ignacio (Nacho from now on) what she actually did for a living and who she truly is. Nacho spends the whole book saying he doesn't want someone like he's previous wife (and what I gathered from that was that he didn't want someone who did what Collette did). Nacho ends up discovering that Fina pretty much did what Collette did (however they are not the same, and I would like to stress that) but it should have been a more developed theme, how Nacho handled the revelation that Fina told him. And Fina told him in 2 paragraphs - what?! She spent the whole book not knowing how to tell him and we don't even get that full conversation, just (almost) a note saying that she spilled the beans and he knows and now she doesn't know how he'll react? And he reacts like it was nothing? Something like "oh I am not happy you lied but I don’t care" after spending the whole time saying he didn't want someone who lied and who did what Fina did.... It was just resolved to easily and too fast for me. There was no intensity in the end, no climax... Sadly, it felt unsatisfactory. It has a lot of potential, I just feel it wasn't as well explored as it could have been.