A review by itputsthebookupontheshelf
The Lost Girl: A Fear Street Novel by R.L. Stine


Talk about "holy sh*t"… This book had some pretty gnarly scenes in it. It was awesome!

This very well might be one of my new favorites from R. L. Stine. I had the pleasure of listening to this baby on audiobook and man was it good. The storyline was great, the characters were on point and it sure hit with the creepy, horror that I was craving. I'm not even a little shocked that I enjoyed this so much.

The story follows two time lines, one where a young girl witnesses her fathers horrific murder and then runs for her life never to be seen again… Then we jump to 70 years later when a girl appears in the neighborhood and Michael can't seem to stay away from her even though there are lots of weird things about her and the things she does. Of course the time lines meet up at some point and we get to understand the full spectrum of the book. Stine always knows how to pull a good story together.

If you're a big fan of Stine's or just getting in to horror, I highly reccomend this one. The nostalgia alone for me, being back on Fear Street has been great, but honestly, they really are just great books for beginner horror fans and young adults.

Bravo Stine, forever a fan!