A review by simlish
The Mummy Congress: Science, Obsession, and the Everlasting Dead by Heather Pringle


The Mummy Congress is as much a history of our obsession with mummies as a history of mummies themselves. It discusses various cultural types of mummification, as well as natural mummification, and cultural trends around mummies. It also gives brief bios on some preeminent mummy researchers.

It's really interesting, it's really well written and very readable - once I got started, I read the bulk of it over two days - and my only complaint is that there weren't pictures. When you tell me about how beautiful these mummies are, I want to see them! But I was reading on Overdrive, so it wasn't hard to have a search up.

It's very much an introductory text, and doesn't get super in depth on any particular area/culture, but I don't know a ton about mummies so as a casual, non-academic reader, it worked very well for me. I found the section on Andean mummies particularly interesting.