A review by kblincoln
The Friday Society by Adrienne Kress


"And then there was an explosion"

The repeat of that line in the beginning of each of the three chapters introducing the three girls (the scientist, the acrobat/magician, and the warrior) I had an inkling of both the fun and the somewhat formulaic nature of the story I was getting into.

Three girls, assistants to older men, live in London, and are experiencing a new relationship with a boy nearer their own age.

Cora is the inventor, Lord White's assistant. But Lord White's hired a new, male assistant who makes Cora wonder if she's about to be replaced.

Nellie is assistant to the Great Raheem (magician) but has a crush on the young policeman who is investigating the mysterious deaths of flower girls and the fog-shrouded attack on Michiko after an important party.

Michiko is the assistant to a ne'er-do-well of a nobleman who makes his living selling self-defense lessons. She takes on training the japanese assistant of a merchant who sells swords.

There is roof-leaping, swordfighting, explosions, creepy villains, and more girl power than you can shake a fist at. None of the action/fights would make me hesitate to give this book over to my third-grader, but the book is definitely aimed at the younger YA audience.

Tons of fun, but not at a level of characterization that will keep me hooked, although I bet my third-grader would stay with it if it becomes a series.

This Book's Snack Rating: Sea Salt& Vinegar Lay's for the fun, salty action and steampunkery flavor on slightly formulaic characters