A review by shesagift
Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon


Borrowed this as a work-read to read on my phone, and oh boy. By 20%, I was certain it was a(n almost play-by-play) copy of Twilight. Main character is nondescript girl starting at new school where she is instantly liked (unlike at other schools) and mysterious loner is inexplicably attracted to her (and her to him). Magic is VERY STRONGLY hinted at because the reader is stupid. Unfounded romance ensues. Plot is finally given to us in paragraph-long bursts of dialogue. Arguments are resolved in mere sentences. There is EMOTIONAL villainy (see: lovers shouldn't be together because REASONS) and then a REAL villain (who is mean to the special snowflake MC) at the last 30 or so pages of the book.

Overall, this book was boring. It was mostly just a build up of romance that had no foundation to stand on. The plot and its mythology were poorly explained and overly complex. Things never really went anywhere, and unlike other mediocre YA trilogies, I give absolutely no shits about Megan, Adam, any of their friends/family, or what happens in the series as a whole. Unlike other YA series that leave me guiltily grabbing the sequel straightaway, I won't even be bothered with the Carrier series.

Which is a shame, because the covers are freaking gorgeous.