A review by lalabristow
Blood Assassin by Alexandra Ivy


4.5 stars

*NO Spoilers!

I really like the world Alexandra Ivy has created for her Sentinels series. It is a fantastic world, full of adventure, intrigue and great characters that I am looking forward to revisit.

Since it had been almost exactly an year since I read Born in Blood, I had a bit of a hard time remembering it's story and the world's particulars. I did glimpse at the previous book, but Blood Assassin did a pretty good job in getting me situated and back into the thick of things.

Fane and Serra's story is alluded to in Born in Blood and I really enjoyed getting to know these two better in Blood Assassin. I really love the ratio of smex, romance and action in The Sentinels series, it feels like the perfect balance for a PNR.

Fane is sexy as hell and Serra is a great, strong heroine. Their relationship is years in the making and when it is finally time for them to be together it is combustible.

Great addition to a very promising series! Cannot wait for more!