A review by sofiaflowers
Tipping the Velvet by Sarah Waters


At the beginning, I did not think this would be 5 stars honestly.  Nancy was fucking annoying and I could tell early on that Kitty wasn’t shit.  But omg first of all the second part is so crazy that I could not put it down because I had to see how that train wreck ended.  Florence is a god send I could tell when she talked to Nan about the “workers problem”/“Irish problem” like Nan was soooo self centered and dumb that she needed to meet people that cared about the world lmao. Also I was thinking the whole time that this girl needs out and proud gay friends (as out as you can be in 1880s duh) and at first I thought that Diana’s friends from the club might be who she meets and grows to have some self esteem but like rich, bitchy lesbians are not what she needed duhhhhh she’s from Whitstable like that became relevant at the end because she grew up working class fr!  Also Ralph was such a sweetheart omg I was worried that somehow Nan would become straight at the end and basically make the whole book pointless but that didn’t happen lol.  I wish she would have connected with her family in the end too since they obviously loved her (minus the bitch Alice) but honestly I’m glad it ends with her finally getting closure with Kitty and realizing she ain’t shit!  Also she didn’t deserve Flo until she told kitty to get lost lmaoooo 

Aside I loved the Socialist agenda in the book!!!! Like duh how are you going to show how terrible it is to be poor in the 1890s and then be like “then they all died of cholera :( the end” lmaoooo instead it’s like she grew a brain because of her girlfriend