A review by jbquinn
Making It Last by Ruthie Knox


I don't think I've felt more relatable to a character in a book than I do with Amber. I had tears in my eyes at times because I know exactly what Amber is going through & how she's feeling. I am Amber. Not only do I have so much in common with her (married 10yrs , 2 boys) but, I've been where she is. Questioning myself about who I am b/c I've lost every bit of myself with kids, a husband, housework, trying to find time just to take a shower and feeling so completely overwhelmed with everything. I believe though any woman who's married or has kids can relate.

Making It Last is a novella that takes place 14 yrs after How to Misbehave (which is also Amber & Tony's story). I don't think you need to read it 1st to read this (I didn't but I will be) but, you might want to just to know who the other characters are.

This is a great novella about a loving couple, who's been together for a long time, & what they go through to make their marriage work. How they overcome those obstacles, communicate, & compromise with each other about how to make it work. Making It Last is not a sweet & fluffy romance story with an easy HEA. Nor is it a 'romance book marriage where everything is bunnies & unicorns & all day sexcapades'. What it is though, is 100% completely real. Yes, there may be a HEA but, Amber & Tony fought for their HEA. It did not come easy for them. When you read this novella (and you NEED TO) make sure you also read the beautiful authors note at the end!

*thanks to netgalley & LS Random House publishing for the arc*